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Preparing for Puppy’s First Groom

Grooming is a lifelong necessity for many dogs, and our goal is to ensure they associate the process with positive experiences. This guide offers practical recommendations to help you support your dog at home, fostering a foundation for stress-free grooming throughout their life.

At Pups, a puppy’s first groom is a very special appointment. We spend extra time with your puppy, getting them acclimated to the salon and process, along with a lot of cuddles and treats! We will focus on slowly introducing them to the feelings and tools of the grooming process. It includes a gentle bath with puppy shampoo, a light brush-out, a trimming of the face, feet, and fanny (sanitary trim), a nail trim/buff, and teeth brushing.
Our approach is designed to help your puppy associate grooming with a positive environment where we work together to ensure their comfort. If a puppy becomes overwhelmed and exhibits escalating behaviors, we will suggest rescheduling their grooming session to allow for decompression at home. It's crucial not to rush a puppy through their first groom, as it can create a negative, fearful memory that's challenging to correct. If your pup is sent home, please do not take it personally. It is not uncommon, and we do it in your pup's best interest.


Setting Your Puppy Up for Grooming Success Starts at Home
We strongly advise against trying to groom your puppy at home if you lack professional experience. Puppies are at a highly impressionable age, and even a minor mishap (such as a quicked nail) could lead to severe aversion or fear, making future grooming sessions challenging and frightening. It's far more effective to invest time in building positive associations with grooming from the start than to try replacing negative associations later.
To ensure your puppy is ready for its first grooming, there are a few things you can do BEFORE your puppy needs to be groomed. Your active involvement in these preparations is key to making the grooming experience positive for your puppy. We will go over each of these. Please don’t hesitate to ask us for more information if needed. We are always happy to help.
  • Body Handling
  • Brushing Training
  • Tool Desensitization

Body Handling

Start by simply handling all parts of the puppy while feeding them lots of treats. Show them that it doesn’t always mean something scary or stressful is happening when they are asked to let their paws, legs, head, and tail be handled.  

Brushing Training

Brushing training can begin as early as three weeks old and can also work with older dogs. The sooner you begin to desensitize pups to all aspects of grooming, the better, as they will be groomed throughout their lifetime. Prioritize frequent shorter brushing sessions over irregular or long sessions. New dog owners should brush their puppy for about five minutes each day. We advise giving high-value treats while brushing to make this a pleasant bonding experience. Having someone help you by holding a stick of string cheese goes a long way. Not only does this instill the new habit of brushing your dog, but it also helps the puppy associate daily brushing with yummy treats and good feelings.

Tool Desensitization

To get them used to the sound and vibration of grooming tools, try hand-feeding them treats while introducing an electric toothbrush. Start by letting them observe and listen to the toothbrush from a distance. Then, slowly work up to touch different parts of their body, paying particular attention to the head and paws. This should occur over weeks and months, not all in one go. A few minutes every day or a few times a week will make a big difference.

What To Expect After Your Puppy’s First Spa Day

After their first grooming experience, your puppy may feel tired and need rest. That is completely normal and true for adult dogs as well.
It is also normal for a puppy to exhibit discomfort with the areas that were trimmed or shaved. This discomfort is due to the puppy's unfamiliarity with the sensation of exposed skin and the hair follicles not being accustomed to shaving. This may cause mild skin itchiness or irritation, especially between the legs of unneutered males. If an area feels itchy to your pup, they may lick it, making it appear more irritated. To soothe this, you can apply witch hazel gently to areas like the paws and sanitary areas (avoiding the eyes), and if you can, try to prevent them from licking.

Keep a Regular Grooming Schedule

Lastly, keeping your pup on a consistent grooming schedule at Pups will help them become more comfortable with the grooming process. They may not need a full groom every time, but coming in for regular baths, nail trims, and other grooming services will help build confidence, reduce stress, and help with coat maintenance. We recommend most dogs keep a 4-8 week schedule. Please ask your groomer what they recommend for your individual pup.

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